Offices Closed

Offices Closed for DNCAP Staff Holiday Party

Offices Closed

Offices closed in observance of Christmas and Christmas Eve

Offices Closed

Offices closed in observance of Christmas and Christmas Eve

Offices Closed

Offices closed in observance of New Years Eve/New Years Day

Social Connections

Disability Network Capital Area (Lansing) 901 E. Mt. Hope Avenue, Lansing, United States

We now have this class with the option of meeting in-person at our office! Participants will need to sign up for the class two days in advance. Anyone who is not signed up will be sent back home. Also, DNCAP asks that you wear a mask, social distance, and have your temperature taken when you first come in. This class is being provided through Zoom, an online meeting platform. Registration is required, electronic registration coming soon. Please contact Bri Ryder to register and to communicate any accommodation needs you may have. Accommodation requests must be received 2 days before the class begins. Contact Bri Ryder at 517-999-7518 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions. Join…

Music Appreciation

Disability Network Capital Area (Lansing) 901 E. Mt. Hope Avenue, Lansing, United States

Join us for a relaxing time to share our favorite songs as a group. This group is now meeting at the DNCAP office! Participants will need to sign up for the class two days in advance. Anyone who is not signed up will be sent back home. Also, DNCAP asks that you wear a mask, social distance, and have your temperature taken when you first come in. Please contact Bri Ryder to register and to communicate any accommodation needs you may have. Accommodation requests must be received 2 days before the class begins. Contact Bri Ryder at 517-999-7518 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 867 8691 9520