Staying Connected with Technology

Disability Network Capital Area (Lansing) 901 E. Mt. Hope Avenue, Lansing

Staying Connected with Technology is a skill building program to assist individuals with understanding and using their computer, iPad, or smart phone in order to stay connected with friends, family, and the community. Depending on what skills an individual needs to develop, the facilitators will take time to work with them one on one. Please contact Bri Ryder to register and to communicate any accommodation needs you may have. Accommodation requests must be received 2 days before the class begins. Contact Bri Ryder at 517-999-7518 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions. Join Zoom Meeting meeting ID: 824 8557 9097

Computer 101

Disability Network Capital Area (Lansing) 901 E. Mt. Hope Avenue, Lansing

Computer 101 is a class to assist individuals obtain a computer from DNCAP and learn to use the internet and zoom in order to participate in virtual programming. This is a class to familiarize students with virtual learning and developing the skills to use zoom and other computer programs to work with other agencies as well. This class will include talking about and learning about programs like Microsoft Word, internet browsers, Zoom, along with any specific needs a student may have. Please contact Bri Ryder to register and to communicate any accommodation needs you may have. Accommodation requests must be received 2 days before the class begins. Contact Bri Ryder at 517-999-7518 or by email at [email protected] if…